Corn discount schedule*Effective: 9/1/24Moisture Requirements: 14.5%Test Weight Requirements: 54#
DP: $0.10 per month with no maximum
Soybean discount schedule*Effective: 08/01/20Moisture Requirements: 13.0%Test Weight Requirements: 55#
Spring wheat protein scaleEffective: 08/17/24Wheat discount scheduleEffective: 08/22/24Moisture Requirements: 13.5%Test Weight Requirements: 58#VOM>4% subject to rejection
Spring wheat protein discounts+.12 per 1/5 max at 16%-.12 per 1/5 all the way down
Winter wheat protein discounts +.10 1/5th up from 12-.12 1/5 all the way down
DP: $.08 per month $.24 minimum
*Subject to change at any time